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Between 3 and 8 There is a Thong


Between 3 and 8 there is 5. And in numerology that’s my life path number. And here between those numbers hangs a thong that doesn’t cover much. It doesn’t cover the bits that I was born with. The bits that some want and others reject.


When it comes to my life path, it happens that I come to Germany in 2022 to spend one month of my life, as I did back in 1996, but under very different circumstances. This thong reminds me of how back then asserting my sexual rights and protecting my health found me homeless in a foreign country.  I find that even though I was in such a precarious situation, I was still one of the lucky ones. But Germany was not meant to be my home. Maybe I am back temporarily to complete a circle. Or maybe to widen the circle. Or to trace a new line, or multiple lines, off circle.

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